
Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information

About the Lithuanian Alphabet

There are many online sources that provide information about the Lithuanian alphabet. An example is the following: 

In general, the Lithuanian alphabet has the following differences from the English alphabet:

  • the Lithuanian alphabet has no Q, W or X
  • the Lithuanian alphabet adds the consonants Č, Š, and Ž
  • the Lithuanian alphabet adds the vowels ą, ę, ė, į, ų, ū

If you find the letter "W" or "w" in your ancestor's surname, that letter was likely a "V" or "v" originally.

The Lithuanian letter-combination "ch" is not pronounced like the "ch" in English "church"; it is pronounced like the "ch" in Scottish "loch".

The Lithuanian letter "č" is pronounced like the "ch" in English "church".

The Lithuanian letter "š" is pronounced like the "sh" in English "sheep".

The Lithuanian letter "ž" is pronounced like the "Zh" in "Dr. Zhivago" or the "s" in English "pleasure" or "treasure".

The Lithuanian letter "c" is pronounced like the "ts" in English "pants" or the "c" in English "dance".

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