
Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information

Chicago Lithuanian RC Parish Registers Online (pre-1926)

Example Entries from Chicago Lithuanian RC Parish Registers

All Saints RCC 1915-01-31 Marriage Record (in Latin)

Refer to the image below, which is an image of entry 276 on register page 40 of the 1906-1925 marriage register of All Saints (Lithuanian) RC Parish in Chicago.  The format of this entry is typical of other entries in this marriage register.


31 January 1915 Entry in All Saints RCC Marriage Register (in Latin)

(Ref: Website; Illinois, Chicago, Catholic Church Records, 1833-1925; All Saints Parish (Chicago: S State); 

Marriages 1906-1925 with index; Image 73 of 100; entry 276)

MY TRANSCRIPTION OF THE RECORD (in Latin, with Latinized names):


Column 1 (Numerus Currens): 276.

Column 2 (Datum): 31 die Jan. 1915.


Columns 3-8 Entries for groom:

Column 3 (Nomen et Residentia): Victor Miknevičia; Roseland.

Column 4 (Locus Nativitatis, Religio): Lithuania; Cathol.

Column 5 (Occupatio, Quotum Matrimonium): Servus; Primum.

Column 6 (Aetas): 26.

Column 7 (Pater et Locus Nativitatis): Liudvicus; Lithuania.

Column 8 (Mater et Locus Nativitatis): Barbara Petraite; Lithuania.

Columns 3-8 Entries for BRIDE:

Column 3 (Nomen et Residentia):  Stanislava Čiapulyte; Roseland.

Column 4 (Locus Nativitatis, Religio):  Lithuania; Cathol.

Column 5 (Occupatio, Quotum Matrimonium):  Serva; Primum.

Column 6 (Aetas): 18.

Column 7 (Pater et Locus Nativitatis): Gabriel, Lithuania.

Column 8 (Mater et Locus Nativitatis): Angela Klonyte, Lithuania.


Column 9 (Nomen Ministri): F.B. Serafinas, Pastor

Column 10 (Testes): Joannes Lipskis, Joannes Klonys

Column 11 (Adnotationes): (no entry)



MY TRANSLATION OF THE RECORD (translated from Latin into English, except names translated into Lithuanian):


Column 1 (Current Number (sequential entry number in this marriage register)): 276.

Column 2 (Date): 31 Jan. 1915.


Columns 3-8 Entries for groom:

Column 3 (Name and Place of Residence): Viktoras Miknevičia; Roseland.

Column 4 (Birthplace, Religion): Lithuania; Catholic.

Column 5 (Occupation, Marriage Number): Servant(?);First.

Column 6 (Age): 26.

Column 7 (Father and His Birthplace): Liudvikas; Lithuania.

Column 8 (Mother and Her Birthplace): Barbora Petraitė; Lithuania.

Columns 3-8 Entries for BRIDE:

Column 3 (Name and Place of Residence):  Stanislava Čiapulyte; Roseland.

Column 4 (Birthplace, Religion):  Lithuania; Catholic.

Column 5 (Occupation, Marriage Number):  Servant(?);First.

Column 6 (Age): 18.

Column 7 (Father and His Birthplace): Gabrielius, Lithuania.

Column 8 (Mother and Her Birthplace): Anelė Klonytė, Lithuania.


Column 9 (Name of Minister): F.B. Serafinas, Pastor.

Column 10 (Witnesses): Jonas Lipskis, Jonas Klonys.

Column 11 (Notations): (no entry).



MY SUMMARY OF THE RECORD (translated from Latin into English, except names translated into Lithuanian):

Viktoras Miknevičia, age 26, of Roseland, born in Lithuania, the son of Liudvikas and of Barbora Petraitė, both born in Lithuania; and Stanislava Čiapulytė [Čepulytė], age 18, of Roseland, born in Lithuania, the daughter of Gabrielius (Čiapulis) [Čepulis] and of Anelė Klonytė, both born in Lithuania; were married on January 31, 1915 at All Saints Church, Chicago.  The witnesses were Jonas Lipskis and Jonas Klonys.  The priest was Rev. F.B. Serafinas, Pastor.