Paragraph Identifying Her Village and Parish in Lithuania!(Translation: "She was originally from the Panevėžys district, Krekenava parish, Mučiniai [Mučiūnai] village")


A. A.

(po tēvais Antanaitis)

Mirė sausio 17 d., 1938 m., 3:40 val. ryte, sulaukus pusēs amžiaus.

Kilo iš Panevēžio apskričio, Krekenavos parapijos, Mučinių kaimo.

Amerikoj išgyveno 29 metus.

Paliko dideliame nuliūdime vyrą Julijoną, tris dukteris: Bronislavą, Jozapiną, ir Kristiną, sūnu Alfonsą, marčią Valeriją, dvi seseris: Barborą Kurillą ir Anelę Žukienę, ir daug kitų geminių.

Kūnas pašarvotas 10044 So. State St.

Laidotuvēs įvyks trečiadienį, sausio 19 d.   Iš namų 8:30 val. ryto bus atlydēta į Visų Šventųjų parapijos bažnyčią, kurioj įvyks gedulingos pamaldos už velionēs sielą.  Po pamaldų bus nulydēta į Šv. Kazimiero kapines.

Nuoširdžiai kviečiame visus gimines, draugus-ges ir pažystamus-as dalyvauti šiose laidotuvėse.

Nuliūdę: Vyras, Dukterys, Sūnus, Marčia, Seserys ir Giminēs.


Laidotuvių direktorius Lachawicz ir Sūnai. Tel. CANal 2515.


Eternal Rest

(nee Antanaitis)

Died January 17, 1938 at 3:40 a.m., at a relatively young age. She was originally from the Panevėžys district, Krekenava parish, Mučiniai [Mučiūnai] village. She lived in America for 29 years. 
Left behind in great sorrow, husband Julijonas, three daughters: Bernice, Josephine, and Christine, son Alphonse, daughter-in-law Valerie, two sisters, Barbara Kurilla and Anela Žukas, and many other family members. The body will be waked at 10044 So. State St. Burial service will take place Wednesday, January 19. It will be from the home at 8:30 a.m. with a procession to All Saints parish church, where funeral services for the deceased will take place.  After the church service, there will be a procession to St. Casimir cemetery. All relatives, friends and acquaintances are cordially invited to participate in this burial service. Grieving: Husband, Daughters, Son, Daughter-In-Law, Sisters and Family. Funeral Director Lachawicz and Sons, Telephone CANal 2515.

A couple of Translation Notes: 

  • The 1938 Lithuanian letter "ē" is equivalent of modern Lithuanian letter "ė".

  • The abbreviation "A. A.", often seen in obituaries and on grave markers, stands for "Amžiną Atilsį", which translates to "Eternal Rest" in English.

  • The village name "Mučinių" (in Genitive Case) would translate into Nominative Case as "Mučiniai", but present-day maps show the name of this village as "Mučiūnai", so the present-day spelling was used. 

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18 Jan 1938 "Draugas" Obituary

for My Grandmother;

(Poor Quality) Photo Taken by Me in 2007

at Offices of Draugas Newspaper in Chicago


Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information

U.S. Sources of U.S. Immigrant Lithuanian's Birth Data

Chicago Newspaper "Draugas" Obituaries

It is possible that a newspaper obituary for your immigrant Lithuanian ancestor or for his/ her known relative might contain the name of the ancestor's birth parish.  Not everyone had an obituary (because it cost money, and for other reasons) but in my experience there usually was a newspaper obituary if the deceased person was an adult.  

Of special interest would be an obituary in a Lithuanian-language newspaper, because there would be an increased probability of naming the specific place in Lithuania where the deceased had resided or been born.  

In the Chicago area (where I was born and raised) the Lithuanian-language newspaper was "Draugas".  Many years ago, I actually visited their offices (about once a year for several years) searching their archived newspapers for the obituaries of my relatives, but they are not set up to accommodate such visits on a frequent basis.  The Sep/Oct 2018 issue of Lithuanian Heritage magazine had an article about how the archived newspapers of Draugas are now in an online digital database. To access the database, first go to the Draugas website at Then click on the "DRAUGO Archyvas" (DRAUGAS Archives) tab and select "Rodyklė (Index)" from the drop-down menu. Click on a year and the index for that year will then be displayed. Click on a date and a downloadable PDF copy of the newspaper for that date will be displayed.