Lithuanian RC Ancestor Search Process

1. Collect Birth Data of U.S. Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor and Any Immigrant Relatives


  • The main objective of this step is to find the immigrant Lithuanian's ancestor's birth place in enough detail to identify the ancestor's birth parish in Step 2. [This will enable you to know if there are any records of this parish available to search.] Additional information is provided on the Find Birth Place page of this website.
  • The next objective is to find the ancestor's approximate birth date [this will enable you to know whether your ancestor's birth parish has a baptism (birth) register for that time frame.] Additional information is provided on the Find Birth Date page of this website.
  • The next objective is to find the ancestor's Lithuanian name to a level that would enable you or a Lithuanian genealogy researcher to look for your ancestor's name in the baptism (birth) register of your ancestor's parish. Additional information is provided on the Find Lithuanian Name page of this website.
  • The next objective is to find the names of the ancestor's parents. [This will enable you to have some degree of confidence that the birth record found in the register is actually the birth record of the ancestor, and not of another person with a similar name.] Additional information is provided on the Find Parents' Names page of this website.

About Relatives: 
You should also collect this same information about the known U.S. immigrant relatives of an immigrant ancestor. In general, in any place in these descriptions that discusses finding information "about an immigrant ancestor", you should also interpret that to mean "about an immigrant ancestor and his/ her known U.S. immigrant relatives".  The reason to collect the same information items for an ancestor's known relatives is that this information about the known relatives might help you to find the ancestor.

  • Birth Place:  There is a high probability that an immigrant ancestor and his/ her known relatives were born in the same local area of Lithuania and quite possibly even in the same RC parish.
  • Parents' Names:  if an immigrant ancestor had known-siblings in the U.S., you might be able to find the names of the immigrant ancestor's parents via that route.
  • Lithuanian ("Pre-Americanized") Surname:  Finding the names in U.S. records of the known relatives of an immigrant ancestor can sometimes provide clues about the family name in Lithuania.

    2. Identify U.S. Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor's Birth Parish in Lithuania


    Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information