Transcription and Translation of Example Entries from Lieplaukė RC Parish Registers
Lieplaukė RCC 1861-11-14 Marriage Record (in Russian)
Refer to the image below, which is an image of entry 10 on register page 36 of the 1849-1887 marriage register of Lieplaukė RC Parish in Lithuania. The format of this entry is typical of other entries in this marriage register.
14 November 1861 Entry in Lieplaukė RCC Marriage Register (in "Old" Russian)
(Ref: Website; Lieplaukės RKB santuokos metrikų knyga. 1849-1887 m.
(Lieplaukė RCC marriage register, 1849-1887) (F.1479. Ap.1 B.1); Image 38 of 109; entry 10)
MY TRANSCRIPTION OF THE RECORD (in Russian, with Polonized names):
Column 1: 10. Нармонтъ съ Буйвидовною.
Column 2: 14.
Column 3: ... Ноября ... въ Лепловcкомъ Приходскомъ Римско-Католическомъ Костелѣ мѣстный Викарный Ксендзъ Іоаннъ Родовичъ по ....
Column 4: Крестьянъ Казимир(а?) Нармонта вдовца 50 лѣтъ, изъ деревни Бризгъ съ Петронелею дѣвицею Буйвидовною 35 лѣтъ изъ деревни П(ос?)зеръ обо здѣшняго прихода по .....
Column 5: Крестъянъ Лаврентія и Барбары урожденной Урбшевной Нармонтовъ законныхъ супруговъ сына съ дочерьюКрестъянк(и?) Юстыны Буйвидовной __бракомъ сочеталъ и торжественно благословилъ ....
MY TRANSLATION OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into modern Lithuanian): Column 1: 10. [register entry 10 of this year]. Column 1: Narmontas with Buivydaitė. Column 2: 14 [married on the 14th day of this month]. Column 3: ... of November ... in Lieplaukė Parish Roman Catholic Church, local [of this parish] assistant pastorRev. Jonas Radavičius [did], after .... [re: readings of the marriage banns]. Column 4: Peasants Kazimieras Narmontas, widower, 50 years [of age], from the village Brizgai, with Petronelė Buivydaitė, maiden, 35 years [of age], from the village Paežerė, both of the local [Lieplaukė] parish, after .... [re: finding no impediments to marriage; voluntary mutual consent]. Column 5: [I] united in marriage, and solemnly blessed [the marriage of], the son of peasants Laurynas and Barbora née "Urbšaitė" [error; should be "Urpšaitė"] Narmontai ["the Narmontases"], lawfully married spouses; with the daughter of peasant Justina Buivydaitė [unmarried]; ... [re: performed in the presence of witnesses, with names of primary witnesses] ... peasants Vincentas Gailevičius, Kazimieras Bagdonas, Silvestras Stirblys, Petras Mažeika and others who were present. MY SUMMARY OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into modern Lithuanian): Kazimieras Narmontas, peasant, widower, 50 years old, from the village Brizgai, of Lieplaukė parish, the son of peasants Laurynas Narmontas and his wife Barbora née "Urbšaitė" [Urpšaitė]; and Petronelė Buivydaitė, peasant, maiden, 35 years old, from the village Paežerė, of Lieplaukė parish, the daughter of peasant Justina Buivydaitė; were married on November 14, 1861 in Lieplaukė Roman Catholic church. The witnesses were peasants Vincentas Gailevičius, Kazimieras Bagdonas, Silvestras Stirblys, Petras Mažeika and others. The priest was Rev. Jonas Radavičius.