Birth Record of My Grandfather Julijonas Narmontas (from Alsėdžiai deanery registers)
Sent to Me by LVIA on 26 Sep 1993. (Ref: LVIA F.669. Ap.16. B.51. L.110v. §7)
Column 1: 7. Нармонтовъ.
Column 2: 8.
Column 3: 8.
Column 4: Тысяча восемъсотъ восемдесять третъяго года Февраля восмого дня въ Лепловскомъ прих~ Р. К. Костелѣ Наст~ Кс. А. Францкевичемъ окрещ: млад. именемъ Юліянъ со всѣми обряд: т-ва.
Column 5 (inserted column sub-heading for this entry and succeeding entries): Фебраль
Column 5: Яна и Пе_он_ Повлины изъ Гудовичей Нармонтовъ Закон~ Супр. Сынъ, родившійся тогожъ года, мѣсяца и дня въ дер. Абоки Лепловскаго прихода Гадоновскай волости и общества.
Column 6: Воспріемниками были Крестъ. Антонъ Довкинтисъ съ Маръянною Даниковсковною дѣвицею.
Column 1: 7. [register entry 7 of this year]. Narmontai ["the Narmontases"; plural of "Narmontas"].
Column 2: 8. [born on the 8th day of this month].
Column 3: 8. [baptized on the 8th day of this month].
Column 4: [on] the eighth day of the month of February of the one thousand eight hundred eighty third year, in Lieplaukė parish Roman Catholic Church, a baby by name Julijonas was baptized by pastor Rev. A. Pranckevičius with all the rites of the sacrament.
Column 5 (inserted column sub-heading for this entry and succeeding entries): February
Column 5: the son of Jonas and _____ Paulina née Gudavičiūtė Narmontai ["the Narmontases"], lawfully married spouses, having been born of that same year, month and day in the village Abokai of Lieplaukė parish, of Gadūnavas district and community.
Column 6: The godparents were peasants Antanas Daukintis with Marijona Danikauskaitė, a maiden.
Julijonas; the son of Jonas Narmontas and his wife Paulina née Gudavičiūtė, [peasants] of Gadūnavas district and
community; was born on February 8, 1883 in the village Abokai of Lieplaukė RC parish. He was baptized on the same day in Lieplaukė Roman Catholic church by pastor Rev. A. Pranckevičius. The godparents were Antanas Daukintis and Marijona Danikauskaitė.
Answer: YES, because:
During the course of my Lithuanian genealogy "hobby" I eventually discovered that, for some church registers at the Lithuanian State Historical Archives, the registers are not actually the original registers but are handwritten contemporary copies of the original registers. Apparently, that handwritten copy was made so that a higher level of church administration (the deanery, or sometimes the diocese) could have a copy of the records. [I don't know which level (parish vs. deanery) made the contemporary handwritten copies. I don't know which level (parish vs. deanery) had the original register pages, but in the examples I've seen so far it seems that it was the deaneries. I don't know how often (daily, weekly, monthly, annually) the entries in the register were transferred to the contemporary copy, but I would guess that it was annually.] In my experience, it seems that the original register pages are usually in the archives (at LVIA) of the deaneries (vs. of the parishes) and that the deaneries filed these register pages by calendar year.
I had obtained my grandfather's birth record in September 1993, before there were any online records. That record was from the set identified as LVIA F.669. Ap.16: "Telšiai RC diocese Alsėdžiai deanery church registers, 1865-1939", and specifically from the subset of these identified as B.51: "1883 birth registers".
The Lieplaukė RCC birth registers eventually became available for online searching at website I don't remember when I first discovered that they were available, but I do know that I downloaded a digitized copy of my grandfather's birth record in December 2009. That record was from the set identified as LVIA F.1479. Ap.1: "Lieplaukė RC church registers, 1765-1922; and specifically from the subset of these identified as B.20: "Lieplaukė RCC birth register, 1878-1896". Here is a link to that record (refer to Entry 7):
To facilitate comparison, I have shown again (below) the Alsėdžiai deanery register entry sent by LVIA immediately followed by the Lieplaukė RCC register entry of my grandfather's birth. The two entries are very similar to one another, and were intended to be worded exactly the same as one another. Typically, the differences between such register entries are only in the style of the handwriting and in where the words break between lines. However, my grandfather's "duplicate" birth records have three noteworthy differences:
The online record is available as a full record page. That makes it possible to read the column headings. This also greatly helps in trying to decipher the handwriting in the record, because comparisons can be made with other entries (including entries on other pages).
"Handwritten Duplicate" Birth Record of My Grandfather Julijonas Narmontas (from Lieplaukė RCC registers)
Downloaded From Website in Dec 2009, With My Added Red Rectangle to Highlight the Record
(Ref: LVIA F.1479. Ap.1. B.20. Image 39 of 198, Entry 7)
Birth Record of My Grandfather Julijonas Narmontas, Sent to Me by LVIA on 26 Sep 1993.
(Ref: LVIA F.669. Ap.16. B.51. L.110v. §7)
Lithuania Roman Catholic Parish Registers
(in the Lithuanian State Historical Archives and Online)
In July 1993, I paid LVIA to search for the records of my grandparents.
With respect to my grandfather Julius Normant, I had sent them the following description: Julijonas Normantas, born and baptized in Lieplaukė Roman Catholic church in 1883 or 1882, probably in February, March, or April. His father's name was Jonas Normantas or Narmontas, and his mother's name was Paulina Gudavičiūtė or something similar.
In September 1993, they sent the birth record shown below. [They sent a paper photocopy, via regular mail.] They also included an abbreviated "summary translation". [My own full translation, done years later, appears here below.]
The LVIA reference number for this record was: LVIA F.669. Ap.16. B.51. L.110v. §7. I later found out that "F.669. Ap.16" referred to "Telšiai RC diocese Alsėdžiai deanery church registers, 1865-1939" and "B.51" referred to the "1883 birth registers of Alsėdžiai deanery".